Marc Pajot and Pajot Yachts have come on as 31 North Agents in the South of France and Monaco.
31 North had already brought one Cape 31 into St Tropez last year and won the Voile des St Tropez straight out of the box. Since Marc has come on board he has sold 2 more boats in the territory arriving soon!
31 North are excited to be starting a fleet in the Mediterranean - it is another perfect venue for these boats that race so well under IRC/ORC and other handicap systems as well as being awesome fun one design boats.
Marc Pajot said, "It is the passion for the sea and for yachts that has always driven my life. After the last few years of designing, developing and enjoying sailing the 100' Tango designed by the architect Mark Mills, it is a smaller sailboat, the Cape 31, also designed by Mark Mills that I want to talk about: - One-design day boat, fast and fun! - It is very versatile, reliable, for a limited budget and even wins in IRC. After its international success, and a first boat sailing in the bay of ST-Tropez, we want to develop a fleet in the Med."
From an Olympic medal with his brother Yves, through a round-the-world race with Eric Tabarly, not forgetting his many oceanic victories and his "America's Cup" success with French Kiss and Ville de Paris, eclectic sailor Marc Pajot today broker, designer and consultant ensures through Pajot Yacht Selection the representation of the Cape 31 one-design for the Mediterranean Sea.
Pajot Yachts specialized in the sale of race yachts, catamarans and classic or modern motor yachts over 20 m, they offer a personalized service for the sale, purchase and management of yachts. Based on the Riviera with its offices in Cannes, Monaco and Saint-Tropez, the Marc Pajot team offers a wide range of services.
With successes in the Olympics, America's Cups and Route du Rhums over the years the 31 North team are excited that Pajot Yachts are on board with our epic yacht the Cape 31.
« C’est la passion de la mer et des bateaux qui a toujours conduit ma vie. » Après ces dernières années de conception, développement et de plaisir de naviguer avec le 100’ Tango conçu par l’architecte Mark Mills, c’est d’un plus petit voilier, le Cape 31 conçu par Mark Mills également dont je souhaite vous parler : - Monotype day boat, fast and fun ! - Il est très polyvalent, fiable, pour un budget limité et gagne même en IRC. Après son succès international, et un premier bateau naviguant en baie de ST-Tropez, nous souhaitons développer une flotte en méditerrané. Bienvenue aux amateurs de plaisir de barre et aux passionnés de régate."
D’une médaille olympique avec son frère Yves, en passant par un tour du monde avec Eric Tabarly sans oublier ses multiples victoires océaniques et son succès « America’s Cup » avec French Kiss et ville de Paris, marin éclectique Marc Pajot aujourd’hui broker, concepteur et consultant assure au travers de Pajot Yacht Sélection la représentation en Méditerranée du monotype Cape 31.
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